Hollow Monster

A sharp pain strikes.
he falls to the floor.
writhing in agony.
still far from the door.

rolling and kicking.
angry and confused.
so hot the mask snares.
yet others arn't amused.

his eyes roll back.
turning from red to white.
ripping off his shirt.
something isn't right...

with all his might,he stands.
he staggers then falls.
and in desperation.
he crawls.

as he crawls.
it starts to change.
his very mask.
even to him seems strange.

it begins.
it starts changing shape.
filling his ears.
with the sound of ripping tape.

from it's sides.
horns start to sprout.
and he gets a feeling.
he knows what this is about.

he looks deep inside.
and finds out the cause.
and the shaking boy stares.
into the monsters grinning jaws...