Snow Falling From The Heaven's Above

Sitting side by side,
Off into our own little worlds.
Knowing that we'd never have to hide,
Never hide from each others company.

The snow falls,
And lands gently on the frozen ground.
Oh, how warm it is,
Yet no words to describe the beauty of the night are found.

We sit here,
Enjoying each others company.
Never breaking the silence.
On this warm winter night with a friend.

Dawn is slowly approaching.
Oh how i don't want want you to leave.
you slowly get up to leave,
Hoping that i would follow,
But i just grab your slender arm as a gesture to stay sitting with me.

Dawn is now here,
You break the silence.
"My love, I have to go now"
How i love that voice.

I now sit here alone,
On this warm winter Morning.
Off into my own little world.
Escaping everything.

Thanks Chaddie for giving me this idea.....hehe. I love you. XD