If you can hear me, I'll stop crying.

Down to the earth i plunged,
in my attempts to pull you back
from the world beyond,
now all i have is the silence,
as the grey skies cries,
replacing your laughters.

time passes over me.
as the sun retreats,
darkness terrorized the sky,
as i wait for the moon to rise..

i caress the spot where
once laid your hand.

Feeling alive is history
the moment I realise
your lips are not where they used to be.

your eyes was
once a door to something in heaven
that makes me forget time,
and the worries that haunt me.

when dreams are just apparitions
no longer in my grasp,
your words was always above
me shielding the truth of reality from
my eyes when they're in horror
of nightmares past.

Your promise is
a tree weather-tortured
used as a mere decoration, side by side
along the dark waves and stars,
on a calm day.

And now, I could only watch
the leftover roots that dug deep
into the barren land, roots that belong to a tree
I never knew until the count of three.

But I should have realised,
hope don't always last.