Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

You don’t know me,
You don’t know my life.
You haven’t one single clue,
As to how far and what a long road,
I’ve had to travel,
To get to this exact spot.
When you look at me,
I can tell what you see.
A girl with a family, friends
And love.
You may ask, what does she know of pain?
Wanting to hurt herself?
But I know it,
On the outside I’m fine,
But on the inside is where my pain lies.
I battle a bloody war daily,
I loose a lot,
But I have the occasional feat.
So next time you see me,
I might be walking down the street,
Sitting in the booth next to you,
In that elevator you take to get to your office
Or even your very best friend.
So if you see someone like me,
Don’t judge them.
We are happy on the outside,
But dying a tragic death within.