Violentines Day.

I went to see a movie today.
Yes a movie.
Now most of you dont know, but I dont really like movie theaters.
I find them dirty and nasty.
I went to go see Valentines Day on Valentines Day.
Go figure.
The place was packed with people.
I was in a group of five.
Were we double dating?
We were all single.
It didnt bother me at all.
At first.
I started looking around and there were all these couples.
They all reminded me of my past relationships.
It didnt bother me until i started crying.
The movie started and half way through it I remembered my ex.
He was the one I never got over.
I wish I could.
But I cant.
Hes my other half of my heart, and my broken heart dosent break perfectly.
It has imperfections.
As I started tearing up I tried to avoid letting my tears flow down my cheek.
I kept digging my nails into my leg to help from crying.
But as one tear let go from my eyes, many followed after.
It didnt occur to me till then that i truly missed him.
I can never see him again cause hes gone.
He wants no part in me ever again.
Long distance relationships.
They always fail and turn to crap.
I thought it would work.
But it didnt.
Every story has to sides.
And my story is always the one that will make you cry.
Im very emotional.
I cry over a lot of pointless things.
But thats my life.
Pointless and sweet.
♠ ♠ ♠
>.< i like writing... Ill say the same thing as I say in all my writing things... I dont enjoy writing in public, but i do it anyway because your all strangers to me.