The Boy Who Never Touched The Sun

Oh Icarus, you fly too close to the sun -
Never was there a boy more ambitious,
Than the boy whose dreams were undone.

A swish to the left, now right, and he was done,
Undone by licks of fire malicious -
Oh Icarus, you fly too close to the sun.

A bloody summer's day from a bleeding sun,
And the scorch marks on him were vicious
On the boy whose dreams were undone.

And the wings, they Jennied around, come undone,
Feathers of rainbow colours delicious -
Oh Icarus, you fly too close to the sun.

Daedelus tried and failed to shout over to his son,
"Don't take on Mother Nature so capricious!"
His son - the boy whose dreams were undone.

A boy whose story had not yet begun,
His decision was not so judicious -
Oh Icarus, you fly too close to the sun,
As the boy whose dreams were undone.