The Present

I know I should be happy,
Or okay none the less.
I know it's gonna turn out alright,
Everythings for the best.
But how can I sit here,
Care free,
Yet alone?
How can I sit still,
Quiet and content,
When I know that everything
Isn't for the best?
That nothings ever perfect,
That sooner or later,
I'll be right back to where I started,
Slashing my wrists,
Crying under the covers,
Trying to stay sane inside my head?
Or trying to save another girl like me,
Trying to keep her cheerful,
Even though she seems to prefer
The darkness that comes
With being depressed?
Yet thats not now,
So why worry so much,
Right now I haven't got a care in the world.
Just don't let me look towards
The future,
And don't let me look towards
The past,
Even though both look the same.