Dead and Gone

I waited around for you
For so long
And all you ever did is let me down.
You'd encourage me,
Encourage my delusions of us being together,
And then you would shatter it.
Just like that.
But I,
My stupid self,
Kept coming back for more.
You said you cared.
Yeah, right.
I got tired of your games,
All your mixed signals.
Every word you said that didn't mean anything.
I've moved on
To someone who cares.
To someone who wants to know me,
Wants to be with me.
To someone who loves me.
And I'm never coming back.
Not now,
Not ever.
For my illusions and delusions
Are dead and gone.
To me,
You are dead and gone.
You don't know what you missed.
Those days are dead and gone.