City of Ashes

There’s a city of ashes outside in the streets
where life haunts no more the concrete path
and the rhythm of horns and the rhythm of feet
have dulled like the image of our broken past.
Life is lackluster, grim, dim, and deprived,
with only one purpose- to live and to die.
Empty eyes stare at the destruction and pain
But brush it off simply with a look of disdain.
Apathy has bred nothing but a hedonistic trend-
the be all, the end all, the beginning of the end
where everything’s take and there’s no room to give.
People live to want and they do not care to live.
The city of ashes I see every day,
I do hope to find has been blown away,
and lest it return and result in sorrow,
I pray that it does not see tomorrow.