My heart; Your hand.

You seem to have this way with words,
Everytime you talk to me,
The way you speak,
The way you sound,
It always makes me go weak at the knees.

You always know what to say to me,
So all my problems disappear,
As if they had never been there to begin with.

Everytime you hug me,
I get this tingling feeling,
That makes me feel special,
That makes me feel loved like never before.

The taste of your lips is what keeps me interested,
How long is each kiss gonna last,
It always makes me wonder.
What you're gonna do next,
Where you're gonna take me.

At night my dreams are filled with you,
How you make me happy,
And what we might be someday,
Hoping it will be forever.

It's like you can read my mind,
How everytime I feel down,
You appear out of no where,
To make it all better.

And there will always be those moody days,
Where you put up with it all,
The yelling, and the screaming, the crying and the depression,
And yet you will still be there the very next day.

You seem to be my dirty little secret,
Something that I love more than anything,
Yet everyone knows about us.

The times I wake up in the morning,
Seeing you laying there next to me,
I know that you'll be there forever,
To hold me when I need you.

The way you treat me like a real person,
And not some random, trashy whore,
I know that you'll always care,
That we're apart of eachothers worlds now.

But all I really wanna know is that,
You feel the same what I do,
How my heart breaks everytime you walk out the door,
Even though I know you're gonna be back.

And there will always be those three words,
That I know describe the way I feel about you,
They will always be I Love You and nothing will ever change that.

Because I know you will always hold my heart in your hand,
And I will always hold yours,
That's the way I want it to be forever.

Cuz baby,
You'll be in my heart,
Just like a tattoo.

Your name will be forever embedded in my mind,
Weather you're there with me or not.