The Love Letter


There was once a girl,
Who was secretly in love
With the coolest boy in school
That didn’t notices her back.

There was that boy,
Who rocks the campus
With his guitar and his baggy clothes
He makes every girl falls for him.

And the girl was a little foolish.
She can’t see his bad side.
For all she knows, she loves him
And never cared if he’s that ignorant.

He smiles at the hallway,
Mocking one of his schoolmates
And the girl wonders,
Does he ever know?

So she wrote a love letter for him.
Putting all her emotions in words.
Hoping he can read this
The sentences of her heart.

Gathering all of her courage,
She prepared her heart.
She walked towards the boy
And looks down while handing it.

She’d never notice
That the boy just walks past her.
As she look at her hands,
The letter was gone.

She’d search for it anywhere.
Below the bench and even inside the trash can.
She’s so exhausted,
Tears run down her face.

Her eyes were red,
She ran towards the rooftop
And with pain, she shut the door
Hoping it will go away.

She was shocked at what she’d seen.
There he was sitting at the corner
Reading something similar
To the love letter, she’d written.

She looks a little closer,
Then she was now sure
That what he’s reading
Was definitely her letter.

Suddenly he looks up to her.
His eyes were gleaming at the sunlight.
What a wonderful sight it is
For a broken heart.

Then suddenly he smiled.
He walks towards her
And she seems to melt.
Shocked by his sudden moves.

He takes her hand
And look at her.
He step a little closer
And said...

“I’m sorry I hadn’t talk to you,
Don’t you know?
When you first walk in front of me
You’d already captured my heart.

But I’m just being stupid
To admit what I’m feeling.
I try to ignore this first
But I can’t get you out of my head.

But this letter that you’ve made
It opens up my eyes,
Made me realize that
I love you ever since I laid my eyes on you.”

Now they were both happy.
Young hearts, young love.
The happiness of being in love was pasted on their faces
And never will be deleted.