What Is Mine Is Really Hers!

What Is Mine Is Really Hers!
Written by: Brittany P.

What I thought was right was really wrong
What is mine is really hers.
I never had you even though I thought I did,
In this battle I lose because she’ll always win.
She’s your strength, your heart, your soul
When I was on the side being classified as a ‘hoe’.
I let you change me so our relationship can grow
But you kept breaking me as if you didn’t no.
That I was weak and needed you around,
I was chasing after you…
Begging, pleading like a clown.
One minute you’ll being up then the next down
You never needed me
I was just something lying around.
Promises made but none you couldn’t keep,
When you were tired of her
You’ll come running back to me.
Feed me lies…
Making a believer out of me!
What I thought was mine’s is really hers to keep.
It took me time to realize…
That you’re never belong to me.