I'm On Two Sides Of A Breakup

I'm on two sides of a breakup
Though I've been single the whole time
I wasn't the girlfriend
And the boy in it wasn't mine
He was my best friend
He introduced me to her
I'd kind of sensed the entire time
Just how unstable they were

I'm on two sides of a breakup
I'm on the outside looking in
He told me about her
She told me about him
I was a friend to both
But the honest truth is grim
Though she definitely grew on me
I'd never gotten over him

I'm on two sides of a breakup
It started with the girlfriend
She was the one who came to me
Said she wanted to put it to an end
She asked my honest opinion
So I guess I put her up to it
In reality, she really wanted to
But I guess I encouraged her to do it

I'm on two sides of a breakup
He later called me crying
I knew partially it was my fault
So inside I was dying
He needed a first phonecall
And no surprise he picked me
But once I said it'd be okay
He seemed to transform quickly

I'm on two sides of a breakup
Lord knows I've missed that boy
Once upon a time, it's true
He was my pride and joy
We'd act like we were so in love
I remember that from back when
We'd call each other every night
Tonight felt just like back then

I'm on two sides of a breakup
I'm avoiding her IM's
How could face talking to her now?
A bitch, I know I am
But I was never over him
But this is just so wrong
But she used to be in the way
But we're starting to get along

I'm on two sides of a breakup
Why do I feel it's all my fault
I knew that it was coming
A month ago when he called
Back then they just were starting
But now it's plain to see:
Nothing against her--I like her a lot!
But in the end, it's all on me.