If only in a memory

I think that there comes a time,
In every young persons life,
When you realize that BFF’s
Doesn’t necessarily mean best friends forever.

I mean, admit it,
When you were in elementary
You had a few BFF’s right?
Well I did.

And at the time,
You really do believe
That you will be best friends forever.

But then, summer comes,
And you don’t really talk that much.
Or someone moves away
And you don’t keep in contact properly.
Or even you graduate from elementary
And go to different middle schools.

And I mean, at the time its not very pleasant,
Of course you miss your ’BFF’.
But as time goes on,
It isn’t really that bad.

You meet new friends
And you change.
And of course,
Its not really as if you aren’t friends anymore.

In fact,
I guess in a way you still are best friends forever.
Because if you can look back,
And look fondly at the memories you made together,
That's something
That doesn’t change.

So, in a way,
You are best friends forever.
If only in a memory.