
I’m scrawling on this paper
All the worthless little
Thoughts going through my head
Pen clenched in my hand
Every single
Knuckle is turning red
Tears start forming in my conscience
Writing just
Can’t bring me to mend

I feel I need to
Yell and scream and break things
Just let the primal side let loose
But then the little
Bugger in my ear starts pleading
Not to become like you

So I sit and I write
My pointless little songs
My wordy, weightless mantras
Detailing all your wrongs
My wordy, weightless mantras
To be shouted till my lungs
Give way, and you get your way

I hear some self-medicate
Well clarity is the
Only drug I’ll ever want
I see the crowds are forming
Right outside this
Prison cell I flaunt
Listen, the guards are
Rustling, I think
Panic is setting in

I feel I need to
Yell and scream and break things
Just let the primal side let loose
But then the little
Bugger in my ear starts pleading
Not to become like you

So I sit and I write
My pointless little songs
My wordy, weightless mantras
Detailing all your wrongs
My wordy, weightless mantras
To be shouted till my lungs
Give way, and you get your way

Maybe I’m in here for a reason
Maybe the people shouldn’t hear
Maybe the speech is too visceral
Maybe that’s their biggest fear
Maybe I’m in here for a reason
Maybe the people shouldn’t hear
Maybe the speech is too visceral
Maybe that’s their biggest fear
Maybe I’m in here for a reason
Maybe the people shouldn’t hear
Maybe the speech is too visceral
Maybe I’m their biggest fear

I feel I need to
Yell and scream and break things
Just let the primal side let loose
But then it comes
Out through my writings, you’re reading
Not to imitate the fools

So I sit and I write
Our final manifesto
Our concise, capricious dream
Detailing all your wrongs
Our concise, capricious dream
To be shouted till our lungs
Give away your way