Mirror's Are Covered In Tears


Another tear drop falls,
she stares in the mirror,
looks at her arms and rolls down her sleeves.
Her mother calls her down for dinner,
she thinks of an excuse,
and decides to put it to use

Her mother, believes her lies,
even though there are tears in her eyes,

She breaks down in front of a mirror,
Her head getting clearer,
She is imperfect as she can see,
Things she can never be,

She is not beautiful,
that much she knows
All of those clothes,
The boys...

All the things she wants,
will never be hers

Another tear drop goes down,
So much she wants to drown,

Why can't she look like someone else
This form that she takes,
Fills her mind with hate,

She is not perfect,
last time she checked,
She knows, that she will never be;
In her mind, beauty was the key

Her parents start to see through her lies,
Her father had tears in his eyes,
They sleep till dark,
While nobody is watching,
She is falling apart