

Pretend it's alright, darling.
It never will be,
But you're a good enough actress, you should know,
They won't be able to tell.
When you feel up,
When you feel down and out.
You can pretend,
Then maybe, just for one moment,
It will seem real.
The cadence in your voice might be purely happy for a millisecond,
Befire you realize, again, that I am your puppet master.
I hold your free will in my strong hands and I crush it,
I laugh as I do so, but there is pure joy in my laugh.
Don't you see?
Your suffering makes me that much happier!
For all of your pain and desparity,
I feel more alive and rejuvenated.
You're helping people,
People that enjoy crushing you,
People that smile when your bones crack,
People that throw you on the ground and ravage you,
People that laugh when you cry.

You go to school it's the same old story,
You dance, you run, you're free you're happy,
But then when you get home,
Home isn't where your heart is,
It's where your prison is,
And I'm the warden.
Now it's time for a game in the cell,
What do you say?
You can't say anything.
You're numb from all of the fun we were having...

Pity. I was hoping we could have a romp,
Maybe you'd cry, and I'd feel better about myself.

Or maybe I'll have to find a new toy.[i/]