Ignorance Is Bliss

Some say ignorance is bliss,

But it’s hard to stay ignorant when the words are getting louder and bigger,

The words that are making me shrink back into my shell of safety

That is making me build a wall around my happiness

How do little words that are ignored turn into the most painful hurt?

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me

Only it doesn’t work like that

Sticks and stone wound u physically while words cut deep emotionally

People don’t understand that it does hurt

But they just can’t see it

They need to look closer than the surface

And see the feelings underneath

Then maybe it can be helped

The words may never be erased

But at least you know you’re speaking out loud

Not keeping it bottled in

And maybe you’ll learn to deal with it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this quite a while ago when there was a whole loada shizzz going on but I decided to post it on here