
Hurt again.
Does he just love to put me throgh pain
He plays me as if I were a game.
My heart is not a toy
So don't play with it boy.

The words hung in the air,
Mean and teasing it just wasn't fair.
Lunging and punching
Fighting through anger as people were bunching.

She broke my digniy,
My abilty.
I broke her nose
And it sprouted red liqued like a rose.

The pain of his words cut through like Cupid.
Stupid he said stupid
The hot tears boiled in my eyes,
It was him I despise.

Wrongly accused and sent out of the game,
Though she was to blame.
My blood boils hot
Like water in a pot.

My moon was gone all gone
Leaving me in the dark like a lonely pawn.
Stars pointed out reasons to push on
But my love and trust was gone, gone gone.

Have you ever felt alone in this world, like you were left behind
I was left behing but my fighting will was left strong in my mind.
Don't ever let go, keep your head high and smile bright
Because somewhere out there is your reason to life.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this base on facts in my life:
a ex that I can't forget
a bitch that I wanna hit
and a boy I want to throw into a burning pit
enjoy :))