Impulse's Kiss.

You’ve got me cornered in open air;
My instinct keeps pressing me to run,
But desire holds me here in your touch,
Basking in your soothing, longing words.

Your voice is softer than silk,
And your lips are so close to mine;
You’re asking for more, more –
And I’m pleading for just a little time.

But time doesn’t exist here,
Not in these arms, this embrace.
And you’re whispering,
And I want you to stop so I can just

Thinking is dangerous.
Impulse is what I’m craving.
And it’s resting on your lips;
It’s waiting for my submission.

And damn me if I don’t submit;
For one second I’m its victim,
Your lips gliding across mine.
Impulse’s kiss -- the best I’ve ever had.