Always and Forever

As the night covers me again
Love is the reminder that makes everything okay
When I start to think that it’s the end
Again, the thought of our love brightens my day
Your place in my heart cannot be replaced
So know that I’m forever here to stay

As I begin to cry myself to sleep
No more can I be saved from the pain
Deep down inside I know you’ll come back to me

For the rest of my life this is what I’ll say:
Only you are in my heart and only you I love
Racing through my mind are thoughts only of you
Even when I’m not sure if everything’s okay
Very often I wonder what got me here
Entrusting you with my heart
Really I know more than anything: I’ve loved you from the start.
♠ ♠ ♠
umm, if you read the first letters going down, it says "Always and Forever"... jejejje....