
When did it happen?
When did I cross the line?
When did I say yes?
When did I stop saying no?

He's proved it
I think,

It doesn't matter
that's all you say
I'm starting to believe you

But is that a good thing?

You arms around
Suddenly I don't care

How can feel so perfect
wrapped around me so?

When did I fall for you?
When did I stop caring?

I can't help but smile
When you stare at me
Making sure I eat
So I'm healthy
Looking after my little ones

You really don't care do you?
You don't care that I could die
Leave you

You just want to live for now

I should too?

You spin me around
I laugh again

You're so silly

You're my every sin
Rolled into one

And you know what?
I don't care

As long as you're there

Waiting to catch me
When i fall again

Then it's okay

Love isn't as bad
As I once thought

Even if I get hurt
It'll be worth it
All for this moment

It's okay now
Isn't it?

I guess that's what you were trying to say

My eyes slide closed,
Your arms around me

Did you know
That I can finally Sleep
without fear because
I know
You're right their
Holding me
Keeping me here

I'll be fine.

When doesn't matter anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
>.> Callaghan <3