My dear old friend

My dear old friend,
you are no longer with us
in body, and who knows
where your soul is exploring.

Dear friend.
I never got to say goodbye.
Dear friend it is so hard not to cry.

Dear old friend,
it is hard to believe
that you are gone.
It seemed like you would
never leave us all.

Dear friend,
I pray that you are safe.
I pray that you are no longer in pain.
I pray that somewhere you are smiling
down on us all.

Dear old friend,
like family you were to me,
and your face will always be in
my memories.

Dear friend,
when I was told my tears fell fast,
and though they have stopped for now,
I know that soon they will continue
to spill.

Dear old friend it seems so unfair,
that a man like you had to die.
I'm sitting here and i just cannot
fathom why.

Dear friend,
god must have needed an angel
in heaven, and he chose you.
Whether religious or not I know it
must be true.

Dear old friend,
my life is blessed for having known you.
I only wish I could have seen you,
that one last time.

Dear friend please take care,
and know that never will you be forgotten.
Dear friend, know you will be loved forever and always.
Dear friend we all shall miss you each and everyday.

Rest in peace...My dear old friend.