Thank One Person

If I could only thank one person it would have to be you
You saved my life
How do you repay someone for something like that
Especially when that person is you
So high and untouchable
I can't figure out a way to thank you
You saved me and you don't even know it
You may not have been meaning to but you did
You saved my life all with just your words
You are an amazing person, you save a life, even though you no one knows it I do
All that matters is that you did one good deed in life
You did the most amazing thing ever
You saved a human life
Not just any person
I want to thank you
But I'm not completely sure how to do that
Sure I could write you some heartfelt letter that you may never get
Or I could try to see you face to face
But yeah right when would that happen
All I know is that I have to thank you
You saved my pathetic little life
Yet you don't even know me
I doubt that you know you did it
How do I tell you
Tell you, you repaired a broken heart
I love you, and I thank you for saving me