Life, Unpredicted

Life is like walking backwards
Or running, eyes closed
You won't know what's coming
And you won't know where you'll go

You won't know where it is you stop
Or even who you'll meet
You can't foresee the wars you'll face
Won't know which ones you beat

You can't predict the weather
Will it rain or will it hail?
Will there be any clouds at all?
If so, will you prevail?

Are you walking on firm ground
Or stepping on some glass?
Are you taking it to slow
Or are you going rather fast?

Which road will you take?
For there are many, my dear friend
And none of them are straight-aways
They wind and then they bend

Will you break down and fall apart
Or will you carry on?
Will the road you take be the right choice
Will it make you strong?

Life is unpredicted
And the future's always blind
But if you follow your heart
You may just like what you find
♠ ♠ ♠
COMMENTS? Thinking about sending this in so feedback would be sweet!