Don't ya know

Boy, don't ya know
I really really like you
So i think we should go
on a date, to a magical place where the wind blows

We will sit on grass and i will spill my soul
we will move closer and i will whisper

you will put your arms around me and say
Girl, don't ya know
I really really like you
So i think we should go
on a date again tomorrow night

so we can talk about lots and lots of things
like how you like to sing in the shower
and sleep until the late morning hours

oh girl don't ya know i think your the one that is right for me.

Boy oh boy, ya should know
I have always really liked you
everything about you

you make my shell become see through
and i think you are worth every second of my time

so lets spend the rest of our time together
together here forever
because i really, really, really, like you.
♠ ♠ ♠