I'm Sorry..

I love you.
You love me.

Were changing.

Were turning into,
different people.

Were becoming,
who we truly are.

I loved you,
since I first met you.

And thro every,
heartbreak, and fight we ever had,
I'll always love you.

Just because..
We aren't an us,
doesn't mean I'll stop.

You'll always have,
a place in my heart,
and maybe all of it.

I don't know..
All i know is,
were going different ways.

It felt like,
we weren't even together

I love you,
and nothing will ever change that.
Just because were over,

Just because our relationship,
died away..
Doesn't mean my love will.

Maybe we'll be together again..
Maybe we'll jus be friends..
Or maybe you'll never talk to me again.

All I know is..
I'll never forget you,
or the love we once had.

Hopefully we'll be friends..
But now... isn't a good time for a
relationship, I hope you understand.

I love you, loser.. I'll always be yours, even if we aren't together.. but I need to worry about school, not being with you. I hope you understand.