
We used to sit and talk for hours,
I was always the one you would call,
When you were ready to rip your sister to shreds,
I was the one who was waiting just outside the door,
When he said he would never date you in his entire life,
I was the one who would sit with you for hours just talking,
About anything and everything that came to mind,
I was the one who held you back from hitting your worst enemy,
And getting kicked out of school.

Remember those days.

Remember that day we went out to play,
And you saw the guy you swore was the one,
Yet you never had the courage to go up and talk to him,
Remember when we used to,
Torture your little sister after she went to bed,
Remember all the stupid things we used to say,
And all the little stupids fights that happened because of those things,
Remember all those good memories from so many years ago?

Remember that day he broke us up for good?
We both wanted him,
We both gave up our friendship to chase after him,
Too bad we were too stupid to realize that he was playing us.

I was always there for you,
In good times and in bad,
Those many many years ago,
You were always there for me,
In my good times and bad,
Throughout those years.

Now when I pass you in the mall,
All I see in your face,
Is him,
The boy who broke us apart.

I wish things had ended up differently,
I wish I had chosen you instead of him,
I wish I was there for you,
When he broke your heart,
I wish you were there for me,
When he broke mine as well.

My life has changed since then,
I have a new best friend,
I know it sounds awful,
But you have been replaced,
And I know in my heart,
That you have replaced me as well,
I know deep down inside,
That I miss you,
And I know that somewhere inside,
You miss me too.