Needle Deep

Needles entering the skin.
Bloods flowing thin.

Dig a little deeper now,
Maybe you'll get rid of this cow.

Your mother tells you to sit down.
Its as simple as a noun.

Maybe to you it is,
These curves just mean your a miss.

Looking in the mirror,
you cry in horror.

What you see isn't what they think.
You try the link.

Image it as hate,
does this really have to be your fate?

You look in the mirror again,
its like your in a chain.

Surrounding your body,
darling, looking a little knobby.

You break your chain,
looks like you're stuck in the rain.

Never to escape,
it all started with a scrape.

You take the needle,
this makes you fiddle.

Dig a little deeper,
this ones a keeper.

Say good-bye,
you're just too high.

It's time to die.
right after a fly.

goodnight, goodbye,
no more deciving of your eye.