Even Though I'm Young, I Understand




Memories; bad ones and good ones.

Mommy and daddy what happened?

I know i'm young, but I know what's happening.

Those cries of mine are for ya'll

Now, look what happened

You're sharing me;

One week i'm with mommy the next with daddy.

I feel like a calender for when you assign chores.

Daddy moved out.

My brother cried like crazy for him.

My sister too.

But, she's the kind of girl that doesn't like to talk about it.

Though, they're not even his kids.

They like spending with him better than ther own dad.

That's how attached they are to him.

Now, daddy has to live with grandma again

Everytime he leaves I cry hysterically.

Mommy it isn't you're fault though,

I hope one day you'll get back together.

The memories will still be there.

Like, Christmas

I got a tricycle and a baby doll.

You watched me open them horribly.

The smile on your faces seemed like love.

But, now it's pure disgust.

I heard daddy say, he misses his wifey to aunt Jay.

I haven't heard mommy yet, but I know she misses daddy.

I know i'm young, but when ya'll fight,

I don't like it.

I cry as I watch you two.
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt like writing other than my stories. A little escape. Anyways this is from a baby pov if you didn't notice. True story. Sucks =(