
I pretend I never see you, but I am always aware
My mind is always on you, even if you don't think I notice your smile
I want to be yours, but I feel your untouchable
You make me feel like I'm flying, your what keeps my feel on the ground

But why did you do it?
I loved her, we shared our deepest secrets and laughed at nothing
Did you realize when I died? Did you know she didn't really love you?
Why did you do it?

I stood in the rain and watched as you made my heart go numb.
She told me everything about you, she told me how she thought you loved her
Every word stabbed. Every. Last. One.

But I held strong.
I supported your happiness, even if it meant a loss of my own
The feelings I have for you went under a grey heart
One that understood

Life didn't happen like the stories

She left you.
She wanted you to want her when she loved someone else.
I see the pain in your eyes as you see his arm around her.
I know now that you understand

Why now?

Have you now truly chosen me?
Or is it still her?

Even when you make my heart flutter
Even when you whisper in my ear
Even when we embrace for a farewell

I still don't know if I have you

And I want you
♠ ♠ ♠
I have never written a poem ever so bear with me, but I just need to express what I keep inside my minds little devil.