I Do Not Feel

I don't feel anything
Not at all
I don't care for you
Just leave me alone
Go away
You don't belong here

Quit trying
I won't let you in
The door is locked and sealed
The keys are long lost
You have no chance

Drop the crowbar
Put it away
Prying at it won't do you any good
Leave me be
I like my peace
And you are disturbing me

I hate pebbles
Put them away
I will not come down
I have sheared my hair
Do not come again

Why are you here?
Don't you listen?
Leave me be!
Why do you torture me so?

Why do you smile?
What makes you so happy?
Your eyes...
They twinkle so bright
Make them stop
I feel ill; sick to my stomach
Please stop

The door is rusty and painful
Don't batter it please
Do be gentle and kind
It may not look old, but it is well worn

Why are you caressing it?
Why do you attempt?
Why won't you stop?

It hurts so.
Please stop...
The door is worn and it creaks
It does not need you
What if you track mud on the floor?

Cobwebs fill the room inside
The paint is peeled
The floor no longer shines
Dirt covers the windows
And the stairs are no longer sturdy

Where am I?
In the highest tower
The farthest room
Out of your reach
Do not try to climb
Do not endanger yourself for my sake

Please stop.
My door is open
It now shines
You have entered
Now I must ask
May you please leave?

I beg of you
The cobwebs are precious
Do not touch them
The paint holds love
Do not replace it
The floor holds the past
Do not tear it up
The stairs are sacred
Do not climb them

Stay away from me
I can't stand you
You have destroyed my home
I was happy in the gloom
In the times when my windows were dark and grey

The sun hurts my eyes
You have made me blind
Leave my sight

Why do you help me?
Why do you take my hand?
Let me go I say
Do not touch me!
I could not bear it

What was that you say?
I know not of it
But if I did I would despise it will all my heart

You have touched my heart?
So you say
You have healed my heart?
So you say
You love me?
I don't believe you
Let me go
I beg of you

I don't care for you
I couldn't possibly
Don't ask it of me
You wouldn't want me too
No one ever has
And I hate you

You broke my doors
And you did not care
You destroyed my room
And you did not blink
You thrust me in the sun
And you expected what from me?
My love?
I detest you.
Keep away

Oh why won't you just give up?
I don't love you
Don't you see?
And you can't make me
No one can
For I only have ever loved one man

You ask
What did he mean to you?

The world twice over
And, in addition, the moon
I bowed at his feet and proclaimed my love
In response, he smiled
Sending my heart to his pile

So you do know of love
You proclaim

I know of scorn
Of gloom
And pain
I know not of love
So let me go

But don't you see
You reply
I have taken your heart
I have reclaimed the years you spent in vain
I have given you my love to repair your own
I have erased your past to give you your future
I have climbed your stairs and brought you to the sun
You have seen my love and you have seen my care
You know of love and you know it well

What if I do?
Why should I care?
If I should fall you will only run from me

You reply
I will catch you forever

I still don't love you

Then why does your heart beat fast?
Why do you smile and laugh?
Why do your eyes twinkle and your face glow?
Why do you miss me when I'm gone?
Why were you waiting for me to prove you wrong?
Why are you still afraid?

Because you will cause me pain
Because I care
Because I feel
Because I love you and will regret it

Baby, that will never happen