
The screaming hurts my ears,
Can't anyone hear my cries?
Can't they see me tears?
I feel lost in this world of chaos...

My heart throbs for the fighting,
Can't anyone jut get along?
Can't people stop the war?
The war raging inside and out...

I just sit here broken and battered,
Can't anyone fix me?
Can't anyone sew up the wounds?
Their eyes are open and yet they're not...

My ears are itching,
Can't they stop screaming?
Can't they stop the agony?
I just wish they would stop...

My arms are bleeding,
Can't they see I'm dying?
Can't they see they're killing me?
While they're fighting my veins blled out.

♠ ♠ ♠
I really like this one, it reminds me of my childhood. All my parents did was fight...