Broken down wishes on a Snow night for the rest of your life.

Snow falls on the broken window sill
All is quiet as the night
Except the weeping of one girl will
Be ignored by everyone in sight.

No one notices, that she is there,
Everyone is too busy sleeping.
The little girl finds, this is hardly fair
And is prevented from dreaming

She's not a normal little girl
For her childhood was taken from her
To describe her, she's out of this world.
In this case, not a good thing for sure.

Can no one hear her cry?
They're really loud for sure.
All her mother does is sigh,
tossing in her sleep.

This broken child,
So delicate and innocent.
Is claimed to be wild
Though she really isn't.

And she's made out to be horrible
Declared so by the entire town
And now, this is terrible,
She's losing everything she ever owned.

She's convinced herself,
Because of the people
That she is what they say.
Burying the real her, deep inside.

She's not what they think.
Not at all.
They caused a fuss and a stink
Because they'd like to see her fail.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not sure where this came from.
But experience for sure.