we're in this bitch with terror.

im gonna murder this bitch... she better be terrified. because this is gonna be the beginning of her nightmare. we will destroy every strand of dignity that she has. every little last piece of hope.. slaughter her happiness. make her feel like shit.. these next four months are gonna be a pain, but dam. were strong. we'...ll suck it up.
we will be in this bitch with terror.
nothing will stop us.. we're on a role now. no hope. just pain.. that is OUR game. how we play.. lets just see who ends up liking who, and who ends up trustin' who.. we may not have the world on our side yet, but baby im not lying. we will soon..
this is my screamo song to yu. nothing more could be said that would even... make sense, but yu understand. imma stand here and hold my ground, because that wide-load cant make it thru me.. or us. nothing is stronger than the bond yu and i have..
like i said, we WILL be in this bitch with terror.
our bond is stronger than glue, and just as strong as duct tape.. our hearts are pumpin'.. our adrenalins rushin.. we're the monsters hiding in yer closet, and under yer bead. we're here to scare the motherfucking shit out of yu.. thats just how we are. how i am.. baby, tonight.. tonights OUR night. we're already winni...ng. nothing can stop us.. our blood is thick, but rushing thru our vains like no other. dam, i cant even explain the feeling i get. this is amazing. our plans a motha.. its gonna take over.. soon enough.. remember, no more pain fer us. this bitch is gonna keel over and die.. right infront of us. thats the time yu and i will laugh.. smile. we kno that WE have won this battle..