A Poem for Jake

They called me fat.
And I laughed,
They called me loser.
So I shrugged.
They called me ugly.
I faked a smile.
They galle me gay.
And I ignored.
They called me hairy.
I bit my tongue.
They threw rocks at me,
so I left.

I lost the weight,
and I got tough,
wore down my hair,
and shaved my legs.
But no matter what I say or what I do,
I will never be able to erase you.

Now I wince when I hear my name.
Think twice about everything I eat.
You turned my friends against me,
and filled me full of hate.

I can grow up and change what I want.
But I can't change the bruises on my arms

or on my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jake was my neighbor and liked to pick on me when I was ten. I was a bit awkward then (thank-you puberty.) and he made fun of me. He had turned my best friends against me and sent me into the land of insecurities. Now I'm a lot different and I feel a lot better about myself, but I won't ever forget the things he used to say to me.