Simple Answers

It always amazes me how,
The world is so blind,
To the obvious.

How they must analyze,
And interpret,
And question,
And test,
Before they notice,
What’s right under their nose.

And it always makes me wonder,
Why I see these things,
Without questioning,
Or purpose.

It only takes simple intelligence,
To find simple answers,
And really,
Those are the only answers at all.

Yet every day,
We march,
Between walls,
Colder than they appear,
And sit all day,
And think all day,
And never notice.

Can you say,
In honesty,
In truth,
That you have ever seen,
Or felt,
The simple beauty of algebra?

How each number is a shape,
A symbol,
Recognized universally,
By every eye,
Mixed back and forth,
In rhythm,
With basic pattern,
Creating another,
With which to start anew?

Or how about,
The beauty of language,
Of word,
The melody of different dialects,
The simple lines,
Creating simple understanding.

Yet everyone thinks,
And analyzes,
And interprets,
The words upon this very page.

And they always miss the obvious,
They always miss the beauty,
In the knowledge they apply,
To overlook,
What really needs to be understood.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sweet Dreams!