I’m walking through the dense forest
Looking for something I know I might not find
A very good word
Like the word found
I haven’t found anything
The thing
The one thing
The one thing I can’t find
Might be right in front of me

But I say it’s lost
Lost like the keys in you hand
You look everywhere
Some places you know that they will never be
But you look there anyway
Hoping that one chance they will be there

You look everywhere
But you never seem to care to look in you hands
You block it out that they would be there
But they are there
Right in your hands

You sat there
Wondering why you couldn’t find them
Why you thought that they were lost
That someone took them
Right in your hands

That’s where I’m lost
You thinking that its lost
But its not
It’s right in front of you

You keep over looking it
Looking over the top
The top of every
Not knowing if you will ever look down

You completely ignore it
Don’t even open your eyes
Open your eyes
And see
That its right in front of you
That its been there the whole time
You keep looking
Stay lost in your thoughts

You over look everything you see
Not just making what you see lost
It also makes you
As yourself