The sudden adrenaline
The urge to move

You want to move
It breaks
And you run
Run from what?
Run from
Mad dogs
Dark rooms

Why do people run?
It’s senseless

Some people run
Run in the right sense
When you run
You feel
Something you don’t know what to do with

It hurts in a way
It hurts when you don’t run
You become frantic
To find a way out
A way to change that feeling
But you can’t move
And it hurts

When you run
You feel safe
But you know your not
And it scares you even more

What happens when you can’t run?
When nothing works?
When nothing you try works?

So when you run this time
This time you don’t run at all
You cut it
Leave it all
A perfect getaway
You leave it all behind
With a cut
A shot
A jump
Nothing left

Nothing you can do to know
To know what just happened
All you know is that you didn’t run
You don’t have to
Not anymore

That’s all you think
Not that you just died
But that it’s all over
You don’t have to run anymore
You don’t have to feel the fear…