The angels tears
Fall from the sky
Filling the empty
And creeks
With life

Why have they been crying?
Why does them
Being hurt
Shedding their tears
Make such good?

The dancing begins
The tears fall
They weep
And world grows
Life comes

The dancing begins
Beautiful dancing
One of a kind
Their own
They leap
And twirl
The tears fall

One hits my face
Followed by others
So much
That they cover my own
To see them smile
I like getting another chance at life

I cry
And watch the beauty
Right in front of me
It hadn’t hit me till then
That what those tears give
Is life,
My life
Was saved
Too many times
When I didn’t deserve it

Those tears gave me the chances
Too many chances
That I never wanted
I never wanted the chances to see their face
The face that hurt me so very much
The face that killed me inside

The dancing begins
I join…