To Hold Me Down, You Have To Nail Me Down

I started liking the thorns
Wrapped around my arms and legs
They kept me still
And from disturbing anyone else
But I still had to scream
Every once in a while

I want to say I'm wanting something
More than just the pain but
I can't lie to you
I love the way it gathers up
In small corners and then attacks
And I love how it leaves me breathless
Until it comes back
Or maybe just my face is left for dead
But either way
I don't think I could make it
Without the thorns
And in my head
They grow there too
And I feel at home
With bryar bites
They help me out
And when I inhale
The vines tighten up
And when I breathe out
They wont let go
But thats how I like it
All nailed down