Through the Eyes of an Outsider

To see the world for what it truly is,
look through the eyes of an outsider.
They see the conformity,
fitting an image that's practically impossible to complete.
They witness the lies.
The liars will do anything to fit in; warping themselves into something they're not.
Which is one thing a true original would never do.

Looking in is never desirable.
But being yourself is worth it.
The "in crowd" loves to look out.
They leave the outsiders, well, outside.

Constantly the outsiders see the world as a blur,
rushing around them in fast motions.
It's hard to stay paced with the lies, rumors and fakes.
The world is harsh, crushing.
Yet the outsiders never give in.

When will we all be outisders?
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well, i knoow its not perfect. I just kinda wrote whatever popped in my heaad... i knoow its kinda screwed up. i never really stay on one specific topic? tell me whatcya think anyways? haha, believe me, i dont really write much...