The Thespian

A woman decided to tag along on this journey to Canterbury;

One young of age, barely out of womanhood, too youthful to have children of her own.

Yet any could forget what lack between her legs for her spunk and will made the men worry

That she, herself, had forgot to let femininity be shown.

But they didn’t fear her eccentric un-lady like ways;

Her witty jokes could entertain genders both and her understanding advice sympathize with the lesser cared for.

She was one of character, that was without doubt, from her sarcasm to her heart, which was worn on her sleeve even when in a tank,

Right to the oddity of her thoughts and ideas written in the notebook carried everywhere, containing goals meant for the famous stage and film doors!

Her aesthetic drawings were kept in secret, a contradictory modesty that tomboy also kept frank—

And should an unfortunate guy or gal take a peek without askance

A violent prize would be their reward for unwelcome prying.

Mind you, she was not shy about her talents of portrayal, hence

She dreamt of it when but a preteen, rather than crying

About the hardships of that rocky road.

While her simple T-shirt and jeans were unimpressive

The vigor of learning and improving surrogated her pauper mode.

Unfortunately, it was the only spirit she showed toward

For when toil reared its ugly head, goodbye she would bid.

This girl, who many she did befriend, was destined for stars that led

To a big screen and adoring fans, and once reached the rambunctious lass would thank those who helped, then give back to each of them kids!
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It doesn't have the rhythm of Canterbury and it may be slightly confusing. I have a revised one, I was just too lazy to edit this original. xD