I lock my door
Blast my music
I sit on my floor
I wonder " Should I do it? "
I pull out my knife
I put it to my wrist
I make up my mind
And make a could quick slits
The blood oozes out
Thick and red
It falls to the floor
I think " Wow I bled "
Then I look at my wrist
I think to myself
" Should I do it again "
I just figured out
That I can't feel pain
I look again at the cuts
Horizontle on my wrist
I say " What the fuck "
And make make a verticle slit
Now the blood GUSHES out
I lay down on my floor
I put the knife aside
The room becomes dark
I close my eyes
Suddenly I wake up
I go to the door
Then look down to see
Myself sprawled on the floor
I look at my knife
Right beside my body
I think to myself
" I just commited fucking suiced "
I shake my head
Then see a light
I walk towards it
Yep! I'm dead
I'm going to hell
But I don't really care
My Life fucking sucked
So apparently i'm already there