What you mean to me

You are the only one I can care about,
The only one that loves me no matter what I do,
Or what I’ve already done,
You are the only one that loves me,
And you make me smile like nothing before,
You are my whole world and so much more,

But just to sit there and let you walk by,
That’s killing me from inside out,
You know you are the only one that can fix the hole in my heart,

But first you need me to prove my love for you,
And that I can do,

You have faith in me and so do I
You know what I can do for you,
That is I’m here for you and always will be.

All those lies that I said,
I said because I was angry and never meant to hurt you,

You want me to wait a few months so that you know your not a rebound girl,
I said I could do that,
But that was a lie,

I know it’s only been a few days but still I can’t stand it,
I can’t stand not being with you,
You have been told that I only want you because of the sex,
But those people are all wrong,
I want you because I can live without you,
Ever since I met you,
You were kind to me,
You asked how I was each day,

No one has ever treated me like that,
And now your all that I have to love and I want you to know that,

So please think about this poem carefully,
I hope you get the message,

Love you lots