Dieing Inside.

You think you're so funny,
The way you mock me.
The way you walk past and make a snide comment,
Freak, Joke, Weirdo, Laughing Stock.

I know you're really dieing inside,
You do the things you do to cover up.
The sadness you have inside you,
The need to show everyone how 'cool' you are.

I have my real friends,
Who don't judge me when I say something 'uncool'.
Yeah, you have 'friends',
People who are just like you, covering up.

They're scared of you,
They aren't your real friends.
No one thinks you're cool,
They might say you are, but you're not!

You're just dieing inside,
You must be so sad.
You are so alone,
But don't take it out on the truly happy ones.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just some thoughts I had, on the 'cool' ones.