About to Fall

You say that my life is perfect
That I have all that I want

You say that I have everything
The world and more to flaunt

You say that I don’t know pain
That my life is just a breeze

You say that I’m always carefree
That I float through life with ease

You don’t see that I’m afraid
Of no one but myself

You don’t see that I’m alone
That I have no one else

You don’t see that I scream at night
Agony pouring out

You don’t see that I’m so unsure
I’ve filled myself with doubt

You don’t see that I hide myself
Behind a made up façade

You don’t see me
You don’t know me

Yet you say that I have it all
Just as I begin to fall
♠ ♠ ♠
I write a lot of stuff like this because not only do I feel this way, but I know that many others feel the same way.