You and Me

We talk, laugh, and I seem to fall, harder then I am supposed to,
But what can I do?
I can't control my thoughts, I can't control my mind,
Because whenever I see you, new thoughts I always find.
You have been in my head for so long,
Sometimes the way I base our life is on different songs.
But you never see me like that, let alone think about me,
Because whenever we speak that is always the part of you I see.

I see your eyes on lock with mine once, and no longer do I see pain,
Your eyes hold me in one split second and for once I feel sane.
But how are you suppose to know this?
Me falling for you seems something you'll always miss.
In the halls I see you and your smile,
And with that I can feel my heart run a mile.
In dreams you hold my face asking "Are we still friends?"
And in there I want to confess my love for you but then the dream ends.

Today I saw you once again, but then I knew we could be nothing more then friends,
Because you love her, so I hold in my pain and just pretend.
I am fine when I am not, because she got you when you are all I want,
And with the way you two are the pain seems to taunt.
When I tell myself that I need to get over you I know it will never happen,
Because then I realize... just how hard I had fallen.

I fell hard on my face for you, and that every night you are in my thoughts and prayers,
You'll never know that you hold me in my dreams when I really know you aren't there.
You'll never know why I loved you or why it just seemed to right,
How many nights laying awake saying everything would be alright.
To wake up to things still the same,
And with how my heart beats at the call of your name.

You and me in my mind click,
But to know I am the only one who sees it makes me feel sick.
Every night now I lay or dream, thinking of you,
Yes, you are all I see, but telling you that would be an issue.

For now I'll keep my mouth shut, keep things closed and in the dark,
Till hopefully one day I see a spark.
You with her and not with me,
Yes, I now understand that is the way it has to be.
Sure I am the friend there for you, but I could be so much more...
Even with that, you will always be the one I love and adore.