
Last night you always found your way into my dream,
That somehow whenever you find your way in there I always know the theme.
You are talking to me, trying to make me smile,
And always find a way to stay for a little while.

You seemed to make my mind wander more,
Because you are always the one I am looking for.
No one can make me leave your arms,
Because of the way you look at me and try to win me with your charms.

But you never knew you always have had my heart,
And that everyday it was hard for me, for us to be apart.
You'd never think I would fall in love with someone in my mind,
But every guy I meet is some how always is unkind.

Today you looked so sad I didn't understand,
How you held me close and tight and kissed my hand.
I tried to ask what was wrong but you weren't answering,
I wanted to know why you were aching.

Then you looked at me with those beautiful eyes,
And how the tears that formed as you let out a chocked sigh.
With a gentle hand I wiped them away,
As I whispered to you "What's wrong? And whatever it is everything will be okay."

You just smiled at my effort, trying to lighten things up,
But with the tears coming fast you let out a little hiccup.
You took a deep breath and looked me in the eye,
And for once in my life I saw something in you slowly begin to die.

You said that something was going to take you away from me,
And to don't be sad but listen closely.
That we would meet again but not in here,
He didn't even know if we would meet for another year.

I cried not for me, but for you, why did this have to happen?
Is falling love some kind of poison?
Before dawn began to break,
I saw all of your heart and I knew you were true to your word and not fake.

We kissed goodbye, I held you tight,
No matter how hard for you I wanted to fight.
When I kissed you yet again I opened my eyes,
And out the window was a beautiful sunrise.

Tears slide down my cheeks as I clenched to the sheets,
I sat and listened to the sound of my heart beat...
And I realized something there,
That to always keep you in my thoughts and mind with all my little prayers.

Never would give up waiting, I'd never waste the time,
Not until your heart is beating right next to mine...<3