Dear Friend.

Well you see; dear friend of mine;
I'm sitting at my desk; but pulling a blank.
You asked me to write a song for us;
But I don't know what to say..

Every line sounds like a joke;
Every word like a Walmart card.
And I want this to sound perfect;
But I didn't think it'd be this hard.

So I started it like this:

Dear friend;
Well what can I say?
Other than some days;
I can't believe you came my way.
From chemisty in class;
To chemistry as friends.
I can honestly tell you;
You really are the very best.

Now see here's the problem;
I got stuck again.
And I can't quite figure out;
What the hell to put as the end.

Every sentence sounds so corney;
Every letter just looks wrong.
I want this to explain everything
But it's hard to say in just one song.

So I finished it like this:

Dear friend; No; Make that best.
What can I tell you;
Except that you're not like the rest?
You're someone I love to talk to;
Someone I care so much about.
You've helped me when my head's in the sky;
By holding my feet on the ground.
From the days we spent just talking on the phone;
I really just thought I'd like to let you know.
You're more than a friend;
You're the support of my life.
And; well; what else can I say?
Rather than I hope you stay by my side.
But mom's a yelling;
And you know how she can be.
So until next time; dear friend;
I'm glad I've got you;
And I'm glad you have me.